Saturday, January 16, 2021

On opening stores, collaborating with competitors, and not faking your own death


Alan Gill of Ultimate Comics, courtesy Gill

Alan Gill owns and operates three comic stores in North Carolina, but to get to where he is today, he's opened stores, closed stores, collaborated with his competitors, and faked his own death (the last of these not recommended). Read all about his pretty-damn-cool journey HERE at ICv2.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Collector News: Heat from in/outside the market, and pics of 150,000 trashed comics


Top: 150,000 trashed comics in a trailer (photo: Mile High Comics)
Bottom: Spine roll (photo: Charlie Novinskie)

So are most back-issue spikes driven by events within the comic market, or do they come from outside movie/TV and etc. announcements? Why did 150,000 comics get trashed? And how can you prevent spine roll from happening (on the cheap)?

All this and the ever-popular "more" over at Newsarama!

Jim McLauchlin