Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Comic store suppliers: More than just one

Challengers Comics in Chicago, 110 suppliers!
Everyone in the comics business knows that Diamond Comic Distributors is the go-to for comic stores. It's effectively the only place you can get new monthly comics. But stores do not live by Diamond alone!

Read all about the wealth of different distributors stores use over at icv2.

Jim McLauchlin

Friday, March 2, 2018

Does Twitter Destroy Creativity?

Does Twitter Destroy creativity? The short answer is yeah, it sure can. You have to guard against it. For the longer answer, with some nuance from comic, TV, and novelist creatives, read the full story over at Newsarama.

Jim McLauchlin

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Ryan Liebowitz, Catering to Comics

Ryan Liebowitz at Golden Apple Comics

Ryan Liebowitz knows all about legacy, food, and comic books. His journey took him through the catering business and back into his family business. As he enters his 14th year running Los Angeles' venerable Golden Apple Comics, see what he's learned at icv2.

Jim McLauchlin